You are here: What's New In This Release > Revelation cloud 2016 > Updates


Following are the monthly updates from the original release of Revelation helpdesk 2016. To see the original release notes for this version, please click here.

December 2016

Every Ticket Tells A Story  
Storyline When did the due date change? Was that action done in Timeline? Now you can see that and more in Storyline, a visual representation of the actions taken on a ticket.
User Experience  
Updated look and feel

Continuing our update to the look and feel of Revelation helpdesk.

  • Ticket details area has been given a facelift.
  • See which tickets are pinned in the grid view of the Home Page
  • See which tickets are Gameplan tickets in the grid view of the Home Page
  • Email icon added to an Action Note when it is sent to the client or the End User
  • SLA Timezone option has been added to Client Viewable Classic Reports
You're in the Eastern Timezone?  
Timezone Awareness Classic reports now have Timezone awareness. You can set the timezone for the report, so action notes will appear at the proper 'time' for when you logged the information.
Expanding UserFynd  
Reassign End User Now tied to UserFynd, just start typing the name to have the options appear. If UserFynd is not active, there's a drop down to select from.
Mobile Interface  
The Mobile Web interface has been updated The Mobile Web interface now has more features from Revelation helpdesk incorporated, including Contacts, Messages and the Activity Feed.


November 2016

Ticket Manager  
Compare your data Revelation can now compare the tickets from today and yesterday or last month, side-by-side to show the progress of your help desk staff.
Contacts See the users in your Revelation helpdesk and get their information in one click. You can log a ticket, email them or get their number to call.
Revelation Bridge for Outlook  
Version 2.0 is now available A new version of the Revelation Bridge which works with Microsoft OutlookTM is now available through the Microsoft Store.
Service Level Update  
Set your timezone Have office in multiple timezones? Revelation always worked off Universal time. Now, if you have office across multiple timezones, you can set each office to the proper time zone for their SLAs.Each has their own SLA to follow? Now, you can set the timezone per SLA and it will automatically update when the clocks change.
User Experience  
Updated look and feel Updated UI for emails, Knowledgebase article adds and your email signature.
User Information  
Custom User Fields Check, and name, a field in Ticket Details Configuration area, and set up a Preferred Contact field for your client. Do they prefer email? Phone? Or add in their birthday, anniversary, whatever information you feel would be helpful.

September 2016


Home Page Grid  
Updates to Multi-Edit You can add text to the beginning of the ticket description (Prepend) in Multi Edit.
Quicker view to ticket description See the entire ticket description in a tool-tip pop up.
Context Sensitive Controls on home page Right click on a ticket description on your home page grid to get options for the ticket without opening it.
Right click to add a Quick Note Right click on the Add Action button in a ticket to get a tool tip with all the Quick Notes you can add.
Save and Close Save and close a ticket in one click after adding an action note. You can even do this right from your home page.
Improved User Experience Closing Tickets Ticket Close will now guide you through required fields.
Edit and save from a Saved Search You now have the ability to edit a Saved Search and save it as a new Saved Search.
User Experience  
Ticket Monitor remembers your settings If you have Groups or Project types open, when you leave the page and return, Revelation remembers your setting.
Email Parser  
Rearrange rules Drag and drop the Parser Rules to reorder your priorities as needed.