You are here: Administration > Ticket Settings > User Fynd

User FyndTM

End User Selection Method

Add Fields

Remove Fields

Change Search Field Order


Used to help log a ticket, Revelation allows you to search for a contact using up to 10 separate fields, including first name, last name, phone number, location, title, and as always, contact’s first and/or last name. User Fynd is enabled by default in Revelation. If you do not wish to use it, a Super Admin must disable it here.


Note:Some options not available in Core.


End User Selection Method

Select the radio button to have users select from the Client, then the End User, or the User Fynd - Type to Search (ships as default).

Add Fields

There are up to 19 fields available from which to choose the search fields for User Fynd. The following will be pre-populated as the default:

Any of these can be deselected or the order rearranged at any time.

To add a field to the Active search Fields:


Remove Fields

To remove a field from Active Search Fields


Change Search Field Order

The order in the Active Search Fields will determine how Revelation searches for the information. To change the Search order: