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How to Structure Staff




Access Level


The three most important settings you can configure for a staff member are: Team, Role(s), and Access Level.


The Team Function can be used in a variety of different ways, but essentially it is a group of support staff who focus on a particular area or type of support. A staff person can be a member of one team only.


For example, if you have a Call Center, Tier 1 Support, Tier 2 Support, and also provide Development Support – you will create four different teams – one for each. Or, if you have remote support locations with staff on site to handle local issues you will create different teams for those staff people.


If you are using Revelation for split purposes, so you have an IT support team as well as a Maintenance support team, you can create different teams for each group of support staff.


The benefit to this will become clear when you are configuring other advanced tools within the program. On the Log a Ticket interface, there are a variety of items which are ‘team aware’


Visible Staff

When a member of a team is logging a new ticket, the list of available people they can assign a ticket to will default to the members of their team only.

Minimum action note time

You can pre-define the minimum time an individual action should take per team and have that number auto-populate on any new action note entered by a team member.

(This can be overridden on a case by case basis).

Ticket Types

The list of available ticket classification types will reflect the team the staff member is in. This means that the maintenance department won’t see the IT department’s ticket classifications, and vice versa.

Pre-defined action notes

A drop down list of common notes or updates that can be added to a ticket.

Staff to End User emails

A drop down of messages you can send to an end user (and are automatically added to the ticket as a new note).

Ticket Templates

Used to store common and/or reoccurring tickets so you can save time by just choosing one from a drop down instead of typing out the details of the ticket.

Workflow Templates

Used to store workflow tickets that are used by each team


Other items that can be changed by Team are:


Multi-Edit The ability to make changes to more than one ticket at a time.
Time Sheet A view that lets you enter time for all of your active tickets on a grid interface, one week at a time.


So you can see that the team setting in Revelation can be used to personalize the log a ticket/work with a ticket experience so members of a team will only see the tools they need – and not the ones they don’t.


The Role Setting is primarily used by organizations that put a dollar value on their time, however, it can also augment staff reporting for companies that don’t.


You can create as many roles as you need and even assign multiple roles to one staff person. Whether you assign one or more roles to a person – you must set a default role. If you have no intention of using this feature you still must create at least one role (call it ‘none’ say) and set it as the default role for each staff person.


If you sell your time to your customers, you will have the ability to create a rate table (or tables) where each role is associated with an hourly rate. When your staff are adding time to tickets – the system will calculate the rate for the selected role in that client project’s rate table by the time they enter into the action note (sounds confusing, but it isn’t). This way you can calculate the value of the work you are doing. Because you can assign multiple roles to a single staff person you can calculate the value based on the role they were performing as opposed to the person – if you need to.


If you don’t sell your time but do have staff people who perform different types of tasks in the course of working on a single ticket – and want to report on it – this would be an excellent use for Roles.


Note: Whenever staff adds a new Action Note to a ticket, the form will display their default role so they won’t have to change it most of the time. If you want your staff to use the Role feature make sure they are aware that some of the time they will need to change this when adding a note otherwise the time will be associated with the default role.

Access Level

The Access Level will determine which areas of the application a staff person will be able to see – and therefore what they can do in Revelation.



Home Page, Log a ticket, Search, KBase


All of the above, plus: Ticket Manager dashboard, Reports

Report Builder Manager

All of the above, plus: create new custom reports


All of the above plus: Can see Admin area and make non-critical changes (like create support categories, ticket types, etc.)

Super Admin

All of the above, plus has access to all tools and features, can change users access levels.