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How to Use Email Action Templates

Revelation provides an easy way for you to communicate directly with the end user when working on a ticket. Just to the right of the end user’s name (in the contact info area) you will see a small envelope. When clicked, you will have the opportunity to compose an email to the end user.


 Although you can link this icon to your local email client (Outlook, etc.), we recommend you use Revelation. This way when you build the email in Revelation – you will not only be sending an email to the end user but you will also be adding a new action note to the ticket automatically. What’s more – if you have configured the email parser (see below), you can set up this feature so the emails will include the address of your parser account as the reply-to address. If your end user replies – the parser will automatically add the incoming email to the same ticket as a new note.


The email action note templates allow you to build pre-configured email/action notes that you use on a regular basis. By creating templates for your regular communication, you will save time and increase performance.


Templates, like many features in Revelation, can be associated with teams so your Customer Service team will only see the email templates they use and your IT team will see a different list.


This feature is not available for Core users.