You are here: Administration > Ticket Settings > Workflow > Manage Workflows

Manage Workflows

Select a Workflow Template

Add a new non-recurring Workflow

Add a Recurring Workflow

Edit a Workflow

Reorder Workflow Actions

Delete a Workflow

From this section. Admins and Super Admins can add or edit existing Workflows.

Select a Workflow Template

Select the Workflow Type from the drop down at the top of the page. The Workflows for that template type will be shown.

Add a new non-recurring Workflow

Another screen appears for creation of the workflow:


  • Fill in the Workflow Name

  • Select Template Type, Status, Priority, Type, Subtype from the drop downs

  • Select the Assigned To. The default assigns the template to the creator.

Please note: if at any point you designate a Queue to a step, the system will use the original Ticket Logger as the default for system driven actions

  • Put in a ticket description

  • A check in "Show on End User Interface" will allow your end users access to use this template to log tickets. Leave blank if you don't want it visible to them.



Leave the selection under Recurring schedule at None

Once these items are filled in, click Save. You will be able to add Actions and assign them as needed to staff.

  • You will be asked for the Step Name

  • Enter the text for the Action Note

  • Fill in the billable/non-billable time for the action

  • Set the Assigned to for the proper staff member. If you don't assign to someone, it will be automatically assigned to the creator of the workflow

  • NOTE:The first action will always be assigned to the person the Ticket is initially assigned to. Subsequent actions can be assigned to other staff or Queues.


Click on the Save icon to retain the Workflow or the Cancel icon to discard.

Add a Recurring Workflow

To create a recurring Workflow, follow the steps above EXCEPT for the following items:






Edit a Workflow

Select the type of Workflow and then, in the list shown under Workflow Template, click on the pencil icon to the right of the workflow you wish to edit.

Reorder Workflow Actions

Select the Workflow as from Edit a Workflow (above). Under Workflow Actions, click on the up or down arrow next to the action you wish to move. When you have completed moving the actions as needed, click on the Save icon at the top of the screen to keep your changes, or the Cancel icon if you don't want to keep the changes.


Delete a Workflow

Select the type of workflow and then, in the list shown under Workflow Templates, click on the red X to the right of the workflow you wish to delete. You will see the following warning message: