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How to Use Ticket Types

Ticket Types are used for classifying tickets. Although you can activate up to four levels of Ticket Type, you do not need to create entries for all levels.


For example you may have a Ticket Type called support that has four entries on the next level (Hardware, Software, Network, Other) and only Software has additional sub types underneath it (OS, Installed, DB, Other). If you set the Ticket Type to Support and the sub type to Hardware then you are done, but if you set the sub type to Software you must choose an item on the next level.


Ticket Types are commonly used to classify the root cause of the issue so you can create accurate reporting on what sorts of issues occur most often. In situations where you are supporting your own software, you may use some Ticket Types for bug classifications.


If you are using the Ticket Type feature, then you must set a Ticket Type down to its lowest level before you can close a ticket. If you deactivate them, then the tool will not appear in the application.