You are here: Search > Search Filters > Project Filters

Project Filters


Here is a breakdown of the various Project Filters for Search:





Additional Information

Project Type From the drop down, select the Project Type you wish to search for. To select multiple levels, click on the arrow to the right of the drop down and use the Ctrl key to select.  
Project Name By Client Select Client from drop down, then select appropriate project
Name Contains Type a portion of the name
Project Manager Select a member from the Helpdesk Staff drop down  
Project Start Date*   *Requires that Start Date was entered when project was created.


  • Today
  • Yesterday
  • this Week
  • Last Week
  • This Month
  • Last Month
  • Last 3 Months
  • Last 6 Months
  • Last 12 Months
  • YTD


Enter a specific date or use the calendar drop down to select a date

Greater Than

Enter a date for search to use as a starting point and will search beyond this date.

Less Than

Enter a date for the search to use as the end date for the search


Enter a specific start and end date for the search

Project End Date


  • Today
  • Yesterday
  • this Week
  • Last Week
  • This Month
  • Last Month
  • Last 3 Months
  • Last 6 Months
  • Last 12 Months
  • YTD


Enter a specific date or use the calendar drop down to select a date

Greater Than

Enter a date for search to use as a starting point and will search beyond this date.

Less Than

Enter a date for the search to use as the end date for the search


Enter a specific start and end date for the search

Project Contact Select the client from the drop down, then select the user from the secondary drop down  
Project SLA

This feature is not available for Core users.

SLA Select the SLA from the drop down. These are based on the SLAs set up in Revelation. You can select multiple SLAs by clicking on the arrow to the right of the drop down and holding the Ctrl key while selecting.
Default If you want to see the Default SLA - check Yes
Multiple If you have selected multiple SLAs to check: All will return projects containing all selected SLAs, Any will return projects configured with Any of the selected SLAs.
Project Status Check tickets by Project Status
  • Open
  • On-Hold
  • Closed
Primary Project Yes - show Primary Project


No - show other than Primary Project
Appears on Self-Service Interface

This feature is not available for Core users.

If Yes - project shows on Self-Service Interface


If No - project does not show on Self-Service Interface
Project Due Date*   *Requires that Due Date was entered when project was created.


  • Today
  • Yesterday
  • this Week
  • Last Week
  • This Month
  • Last Month
  • Last 3 Months
  • Last 6 Months
  • Last 12 Months
  • YTD


Enter a specific date or use the calendar drop down to select a date

Greater Than

Enter a date for search to use as a starting point and will search beyond this date.

Less Than

Enter a date for the search to use as the end date for the search


Enter a specific start and end date for the search

WrkStream Select one or more from drop down


Gameplan Gameplan tracking is active; is not active  


  • Today
  • Yesterday
  • this Week
  • Last Week
  • This Month
  • Last Month
  • Last 3 Months
  • Last 6 Months
  • Last 12 Months
  • YTD


Enter a specific date or use the calendar drop down to select a date


Greater Than

Enter a date for search to use as a starting point and will search beyond this date.


Less Than

Enter a date for the search to use as the end date for the search



Enter a specific start and end date for the search

Assignee Select Helpdesk Staff from drop down If multiple users selected, you can choose to search for All (if all selections match) or Any (if any select matches)