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Revelation includes a phrase control system that gives you control over the most commonly used terms and phrases in the application. This allows you to very easily change the entire focus of the application with a few simple modifications.


The default configuration assumes that you support ‘clients’ and that each client has one or more ‘locations’ and each location had one or more ‘end users.’ To that end the system is configured to capture physical address information for each location and personal/contact information for each end user.


When logging a new ticket in Revelation you must choose an end user, and to do that you can either search using a collection of criteria that define the person you are looking for – or you can pick the client they work for form a drop down. If you choose the drop down you will then be presented with a list of users that work for that client. This list can be organized by a secondary data element so if this client has three physical locations then you can see each user listed along with the location they work at.


However, you are not held to this structure.


If you made a simple change in the phrase system so that Client became Building and Location became Floor, you would then choose a building in the first drop down and see in the second drop down all of the end users in that building organized by floor.


Alternately, if you are an internal IT group you can change Client to Department and Location to Office. You would then select a department in the first drop down and then see a list of all of the people who work for that department organized by office.


Note: You will only be able to edit phrases for features available in your version of Revelation helpdesk.


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