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AD Passthru

AD Passthru provides the ability to tie your AD credentials to a Revelation account; it will automatically "pass through" your credentials.


It is not necessary to import users from your company AD to use the AD Passthru function. However, you can pre-populate the system by using the Import Manager to bring in your AD information.


NOTE: If AD is not enabled in Revelation, the Windows logon area will not be available on the User Information page.


When the AD Passthru is Enabled, users will be asked to log on using their network login first. It will then automatically log in the user with the user’s credentials.


NOTE: The domain name is a ‘read only’ field, and is the domain into which the Revelation on-premise is installed. If the domain needs to be changed, the webserver needs to be joined to the required domain. It will then change to the appropriate name.


The domain name that users will log into will be visible on the “Passthru domain name” line on the illustration below.



The “Auto save logon names for existing users” allows the user’s Windows logon name to be saved and linked to their Revelation profile. This will allow for pass-through authentication, logging them into Revelation automatically, without having to enter their username or password.



The first time a user logs in, they will have to use their network credentials (DomainName\Username), and then log into Revelation. This will populate the appropriate field in the user’s information area in Revelation.



The area in the red box will show your Domain Name. Once the user logs onto the domain, they will automatically be logged into Revelation.