Ticket Configuration

These switches turn certain functions on and off for the system. Be sure to hit the Save icon after any changes are made.




Log a Ticket Interface
Action Note Visibility Collapsed Initial Action note not visible when Log a Ticket pop up appears
Expanded Initial Action note visible
Timeline Visibility Collapsed Timeline is collapsed and not visible
Expanded Timeline is visible on the right side of the Log a Ticket pop up

Show Team Selection (on Log A Ticket Interface)


Team drop down will appear on the log a ticket page


Team drop down does not appear as an option

Show Client Type Selection (on Log A Ticket Interface)


Client Type drop down will appear on the log a ticket page


Client Type drop down does not appear on the log a ticket page

End User Selection Method Client/End User Dropdowns Select by Client, then End User
User Fynd - Type to Search Uses User Fynd system. (Ships with this option active)

Confirm Flagged Notes on Log a Ticket (popup)


When a new ticket is logged, and the Client Contact is flagged, a pop up box with flagged notes will appear if notes are present


When new ticket is logged, and Client Contact is flagged, flagged notes will be shown below the Client information drop downs.


Internal Auto-Assign Ticket


When logging a ticket internally, it will automatically log the ticket to the Assigned Staff as set in the Project Ticket Assignments for the client's project


When logging a ticket internally, it will assign the ticket to the person logging the ticket.


Add/Edit End User

Access Level or Team Allows selected staff to add or edit End Users.
Delete Ticket Access Level or Team

Allows selected staff to Delete tickets

NOTE: This can be overridden on a project by project basis if needed. This is found in the Project Details area for the client.

General Settings

Show Paging for Ticket History


Allows for large tickets to show a selected number of actions per page


All actions for the ticket will be visible

Page Size Slider Select the number of tickets per page. Slider ranges from 10 to 100.
Ticket Reassign Method Drag & Drop Provides a drag-and-drop functionality to Ticket Reassign.
Classic Uses arrow keys to move staff to or from Unassigned to Assigned

Secondary User Classification

Drop Down selection

Sets the secondary classification for the Contact Search on the Home Page, so the list  for client contact is in alphabetical order by name and then by the secondary classification selected.

Sort Check sort, and select Ascending or Descending from the drop down.

New Ticket Time


Number of hours a ticket shows as new (Green) on the Home Page

At Risk - % from due


Sets the amount of time from the due date. When this time is reached, the ticket turns yellow, or at risk of going late. If you don't wish this to function in this way, simply set the percentage to 0.

Display MS OCS/Skype Presence*


Shows a user's IM status in the Ticket Monitor and within Action Notes.


IM status not visible

Ticket Hierarchy (Parent/Child feature)


Allows Parent/Child tickets to be logged


Parent/Child is not available as an option within a ticket

Ticket Hierarchy list mimics current homepage view


Sorts Parent tickets to mimic the current homepage layout - i.e. grouped by due date, client, state, etc.


Tickets will sort as normal.

When Ticket is Closed

Go to Ticket Details page

Will go to the ticket details of the closed ticket.

Go to Homepage

Will go to user's homepage when the ticket is closed.

Visual Ticket Storyline Access Level or Team Allows selected staff to see Storyline in tickets.


*If visible, you will be able to click on the presence button and send an email, IM or ticket, depending on how your internal systems are set. Works with Microsoft Lync Server.