
Manage your Teams, Roles and Permissions from the Security tab. This section will walk you through adding and managing your Security features.


Teams are used to group your internal employees for reporting and searching purposes. Staff are assigned to a team in addition to an access level. Teams are groupings of resolver staff. Revelation supports an unlimited number of teams, but each resolver may be a member of only one team. Teams allow larger IT organizations to break down their staff into multiple groups (help desk, network, development, etc) for more orderly tracking and reporting.


The Revelation interface can be customized to a certain degree based on Team. By clicking on the binoculars in front of the team name, you will be able to see a dashboard view of the items available to that team.


Roles are used to associate different billable rates with the services you provide your customers. Employees can be associated with more than one role, which in turn can have different billable rates. To set the system defaults, Super Administrators can start by adding the roles to the system.


Permissions allows you to select who can use some of the advanced features of Revelation. Don't want everyone to have the ability to delete action notes? Set it in the grid by Access Level or Team.


For use in Gameplan, set up the staff costs to properly estimate the costs/profits for a project.


WARNING: Permissions and Ticket Access Control is an Advanced Features of Revelation helpdesk and should be used with caution.