
WARNING: Permissions is an Advanced Feature of Revelation helpdesk and should be used with caution.


From the Permissions tab, you can select which features within Revelation helpdesk are available to your staff by Access Level or by Team. The grid above shows by Access Level. Some check boxes are grayed out - these are features which cannot be changed, or may be set in another area of the Admin area.


If the permissions you wish to change are set By Access Level, and you want to set it by Team, you will see a message "Configured by Access Level - click to configure by Team". Once you click on the link, you will be able to set the item by Team. If the feature is not configurable by team, you will see a "Not Configurable by Team" message with no link available. You will only be able to configure this feature by Access Level



The reverse is also true - if the item is set to be configured by Team, you will see a message "Configured by Team - click to configure by Access Level'.

In all cases, you can reset the permissions to the System Default by clicking on the link at the top of the page.


Most changes made in the Permissions grid will take place immediately. However, there are a few items which will only take effect once the user logs out and logs back in. These include: