Knowledge Base


If Knowledge Base is enabled by a Super Admin, Users will see a button in the Action note where they can view a library of Knowledge Base articles to see if something will help with the current issue. They will also be able to use the Search tab to view Knowledge Base items. All Admin and Manager Level users will also see a button where they can convert the ticket quickly into a Knowledge Base article. If Disabled, none of the buttons appear in the tickets and the option in Search is removed.

Show Kbase in main navigation

If enabled, this will show the KBase tab in the main navigation. If it is Disabled, Knowledge Base will still be available through Search but not as a separate tab.

View/Add/Edit/Delete in KBase

Select the options below by Access Level or Team:

View KBase

Select who can see the KnowledgeBase in their Revelation.

Allow users to add to KBase

Select who can add new articles to the Knowledge Base from the Knowledge Base page.

Add to KBase from Ticket Details

Select who can add a new Knowledge Base article directly from a ticket in Revelation.

Edit KBase Article

Select who can edit existing Knowledge Base articles.

Delete KBase Articles

Select who can delete articles from the Knowledge Base.

Allow Advanced Visibility Configuration

When disabled, visibility is set to Internal, External or both. When enabled, allows for restricting access by Team, Client type or specific client.

Link to Ticket limit

Limits the number of tickets an authorized user can add to any ticket.

Staff Plus article visibility

Select from External or Internal visibility for Staff Plus users.