Configure Self-Service

Select Landing Page

Feature Visibility Options

Message Feed Option


NOTE:Only Super Admins can make changes in the Self-Service area.

Select Landing Page

The drop down sets the page where the End User will land upon logging into Revelation. If the option is set to Off, it will not be available in the drop down.



The standard landing page, showing open tickets, etc.

Log a Ticket

Takes user direct to Log a Ticket screen


Search for tickets

Self Help

Knowledge Base page


Links to last 12 months of reports published for client

Feature Visibility Options

This part of the module allows you to select which features show on a client's End User Interface page. You have the option to allow the particular feature to be seen only by External Admins, by all level of client users, or not at all.


End Users have the ability to set the Priority of their tickets if you choose to grant them the option. The ability can be given to External Admins only or both External User and Admin levels.


Set the option by selecting the appropriate radio button on the grid. Remember to hit Save when you are done.


As with many modules within Revelation, if a particular module is not active, the option will not be visible in any module. If Self Help Knowledgebase is disabled, Self Help will not appear as an option on this grid.


Log a New Ticket

Log a Ticket tab will be visible and user can log new tickets based on their access level.

  • External Admins can log tickets for anyone
  • External Users can log tickets only for themselves

Search for Tickets

Provides a Search tab to allow for searching of tickets by status, etc.

  • External Admins can search tickets for anyone
  • External Users can search tickets only for themselves

View Open Tickets

View currently open tickets

  • External Admins can view tickets for anyone
  • External Users can view tickets only for themselves

Run Reports

External Admins may view published reports for up to the last 12 months

Self Help Knowledgebase

Provides access to Knowledgebase articles which have been tagged for External Users

Set New Ticket Priority

If active, allows user to set priority level on new tickets.

If not active, there will be a check box for "Check if Multiple Users are affected"

Add End Users

Allows External Admins to add additional end users for the client. Only available for External Admins.

Message Feed Option

This part of the module allows you to select if messages will be visible to the External User and the External Admins. To create messages for External Users, see the Client Messages tab in this section.