Closed Ticket Summary Report

The Closed Ticket Summary report provides a snapshot of the category/ticket type and sub type for tickets within a specific period of time. If all the pull downs are left at the default of blank, a snapshot of all tickets for all clients is provided.


Revelation allows you to run reports by Time or Volume, based on your company standards. The default for this option is set in System Options. However, either option is available from the pull down on the left of the screen.


If the client has more than one project, leaving the project pull down blank brings up the statistics on all projects worked on during the specified time period. To see information on a specific project for a client, choose it from the pull down. If a report for a specific time range, this information must be indicated in the date range fields or by the calendar drop downs.


In all cases, after selecting your options, hit the Display button. Depending on the complexity of your report criteria, it should only take a short time. When the report is complete, the report display a break down of tickets actioned for the specified client/project. Also, it will break it down further by indicating the number of tickets per category/ticket type and sub type with a percentage of the total tickets as well as the billable and non-billable rate.


In addition, a pie chart will appear showing the percentage break down of work done for a particular client/project based on the categories/ticket types.


Once the summary report comes up, you can go to the Ticket Details report by clicking on the Details button at the lower right of the screen below the breakouts.