You are here: Administration > License Manager > Your License

Your License

License Expiration Notice

License Configuration Notification


The information seen here is based on your Revelation licensing, and visible to Admin level users, but only Super Admin level users can make edits.



Pencil icon

The only information which can be edited here is the License Code. If you need to update your license key, click on the pencil icon and copy and paste the new license code sent to you by YellowFish Software.

License Code

A unique identifier for your system. Activates any modules purchased with Revelation as well as setting the other information for your system such as number of users and license type.

Host Name

Who hosts your Revelation

Host URL

URL for your copy of Revelation


Number of licensed users

License Type

Unlimited, Concurrent, Per seat


Activation date for the current license


Expiration date of your license. The text in green shows how many days you have remaining on the current license key. At 30 days or less, this text will be red.


Type of database


Revelation version in use

Other Actions


View End User License Agreement

Click on this button to view the current EULA for Revelation helpdesk

Email System Configuration Report

The button sends information to YellowFish Software Tech Support with information on the setup of your Revelation Help Desk, including which modules are active. A dialog box will pop up to allow you to cancel out of sending.

License Expiration Notice

If your license is with 30 days of expiration, Admins will see a notice in the header of Revelation, by their name.



License Configuration Notification

If your license is configured incorrectly, Admins will see the following notice on the login screen:



When you receive your new license key, simply paste it into the box and click on Save to refresh your Revelation.