You are here: Administration > Ticket Settings > Configuration > Print Layout

Print Layout

Print Layout

Print Options - Show

Footer Text


From within a ticket, a printed report can be created for client review/approval. By clicking on the Print icon in the Ticket information at the top left of the screen, a report with the date, ticket information and actions will be created.


The options here provide the following information. Be sure to click on the Save icon to keep any changes you make. If you don't wish to keep your changes, simply navigate away from the page without saving.:

Print Layout

If Enabled, the Print View button is visible in the ticket. If Disabled, a report cannot be printed from the ticket.

Print Options - Show:

If any of these are left unchecked, they do not appear on the printout

Footer Text

A customizable note which will be at the bottom of all reports printed from tickets. This does not affect other reports.


The Check Spelling button will not be visible if Spell Checker is disabled.