You are here: Knowledge Base


Revelation helpdesk has a knowledge base as part of the System Options. If this option is Enabled, users will be able to search through the Knowledgebase for articles. Articles can be created from tickets by Admin and Manager level users and is described in Create Knowledgebase Articles. Users can search for articles via Search, when logging a ticket, or within an Action Note.


The Revelation Knowledgebase is accessed in the following ways:


Via the search drop down on Search


Via a search within Log a Ticket




From a tab in the nav area

(Enabled from Knowledgebase in the Admin area)


All users will see the Knowledgebase search within Log A Ticket. After putting in the Ticket Description, click on the Search KB button. The search will check for keywords in the description and try to match articles in the Knowledgebase system. If any articles are listed, click on the KB number to bring up the article in a new tab. (NOTE: Be sure to have Allow pop-ups from Revelation active in your browser.)



In an existing Ticket , Users can click on the Kbase button in the Action Note bar and Revelation will search the Description for keywords.


Right clicking on the button allows Admin and Manager Level users to convert the ticket quickly into a Knowledge Base article.


If Knowledge Base is disabled within System Options, the button will not appear in tickets, and the option to search from within Log A Ticket and in Search is removed.