You are here: Administration > Project Settings > Custom Fields > Forms


Build New Fields

Copy Existing

Import from File


From this area, Super Admins will be able to build new forms, copy forms for editing and use in other projects, import a form from a file, and run a report to show which projects are using which forms. You will be able to run reports, via Report Builder, on the information the forms contain.


Across the top, you may see three tabs – Published, Draft and Archive. Each will have a number in parentheses showing the number of forms on each tab.


To edit an existing form on any of the tabs, click on the pencil icon in line with the form name. To delete a form, click on the delete icon in line with the form name. You will receive one of two warnings. First, asking if you want to delete the form and all its fields or a warning that the form is in use and cannot be deleted.

Build New Fields

At the top right of the screen is a link for Build New Fields. This will bring up a blank form to build.



Field Type



Display as Single line or Multi Line

Max characters – 1-200 characters

Default Value – Type in value if needed, or leave blank

Drop Down

Display – Single select, Multi Select, Multi Level (Nested Dropdowns)

Values: Put in value(s) for drop down

Once values have been added, you can rearrange them on the list and disable/delete them as needed.

Order: Select order of information in drop down

Default – select which value will be the default


Date Settings: Date Only, Date and Time

Default Value: Select None, Today’s Date or put in a specific date


Default Time – Adds time into the Custom Fields area in the ticket, but does not add it to the ticket itself.


Decimal digits – from zero to four digits after the decimal

Min Value – Minimum value allowed to be entered

Max value – Maximum value allowed to be entered

Default value – if there is a default value for the field.


Min value – Minimum value to be entered

Max value – Maximum value to be entered

Default value – if there is a default value for the field

Support Staff List

Display – Single select or multi select

Default value – Select from the drop down. Information is taken from the active Support Staff area of Revelation.

Client List

Display – Single select or Multi select

Default value – select from the drop down. Information is taken from the active client list in Revelation.

End User List

Display – Single select or Multi select

Default value – Select from the drop down or select one to be the default client.

Once a client is selected, the second drop down will list the end users for that client.


Once all the information for the first field is completed, you can add additional fields following the same instructions.

The Expand All / Collapse All at the top of the forms will expand or collapse all of the boxes for the Field Names. If you have several Fields, this will make it easier to view all the names. To expand only one, click on the down arrows to the left of the *Field Name:.



Once you’ve added in all the information, click on the Save button at the top or bottom of the form. If you decide you do not want to keep the form, click Cancel.

Copy Existing

In some cases, it may be that an existing form is set up in such a way that it is close to what you need for a new form. You can copy an existing form and edit it to meet your needs.

Import from File

There will be a public area where Custom Field templates are published. These templates may be of use to your organization and, as such, you can import them into your copy of Revelation.


PLEASE NOTE:The Revelation .rdlc format is proprietary to YellowFish Software and it is the only file type supported by the Import File feature for Custom Fields. This is to take every precaution to prevent malicious code from being imported into your copy of Revelation.  


To import a file into Custom Fields, click on Import button at the top right of the screen.

Click on the Browse button to search for the file you wish to import.

Click on the form and then click on the Import button. The form will now be available for editing. Rename the form and edit the fields to meet your specific needs.