You are here: Administration > Helpdesk Set Up > Attachments


Allow Attachments

Add/Edit/Delete File Extensions


Attachments gives users, both internal and external, the ability to upload and attach files to tickets, clients, locations and/or projects.


Super Admins may configure a number of items dictating what can and cannot be uploaded into your system.

Allow Attachments

The following items can be enabled to allow attachments:



Upload items to the Asset Management module


Allows staff to attach a file to the Client Information page

Knowledge Base

Allows for attachments when creating or editing a Knowledge Base article

Location (Office)

Allows staff to attach a file to the Company Information page


Allows staff to attach a file to the Project Information page

Support Staff/End User

Allows staff to attach a file to their User information

Ticket - External Interface

Allows outside users to attach files when logging a ticket to Revelation

Ticket - Internal Interface

Allows staff to attach files to ticket

Ticket - Parsed Email Allows attachments from parsed emails to be added to ticket
Timesheet Allows staff to attach files to action notes added via Timesheet function


A Super Admin can also restrict the number, size and type of files to be uploaded by any User. The Settings section allows you to set a Maximum for file size and number of attachments.

Note: You can either include all files and Exclude certain file extensions OR exclude all file types and Allow certain file extensions.



Add/Edit/Delete File Extensions

To add a new file extension to exclude, click on the New button. You will be asked for the extension only. Click on the Save icon to retain the extension or the cancel icon if you don't wish to save.


To edit an extension, click on the pencil icon. To delete an extension, click on the red garbage can to the right of the extension. You will receive a warning message before the extension is deleted.