You are here: Administration > Helpdesk Set Up > Groups > Add-Edit Groups

Add-Edit Groups


Add a Group

Edit a Group

Inactivate a Group

Delete a Group

Add a Group

To add: Click on Add New at the top of the tab, then enter the Group name.



Also, if a Group is being used for ticket routing, at least one person must remain in the queue while tickets are being monitored.

Edit a Group

To Edit any group, click on the pencil icon to the right of the group name.


Once the fields open, you can add or remove staff from either the Required or Optional Staff areas.


Inactivate a Group

To turn any group, inactive, click on the pencil icon and uncheck the Active box. Once you hit Save, the group will appear in italics and grayed out at the bottom of the Group configuration listing.



Delete a Group

To delete any group, click on the red X to the right of the Group name. You will receive a warning message; the Group will not be deleted unless you click OK.



If you try to delete a Group which is still assigned to a Ticket in the system, you will receive the following message