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January 2024

January 2024 Update

What's new...

• Phase 1 of Our UI Refesh

• Improved Homepage Filtering

• Homepage Group Numbering

• Ticket Details Toolbar

• Parallel Workflow Actions

January 2024 Update

Phase 1 of Our UI Refresh

In our ongoing mission to improve Revelation's user experience, we have given our site a refresh in this release, in both look and functionality!

From your Home Page to Logging a Ticket to using Chat, we have updated the User Interface across the helpdesk for more modern, more efficient working.

Click around your Revelation
Home Page to explore!

January 2024 Update

Phase 1 of Our UI Refresh

January 2024 Update

Phase 1 of Our UI Refresh

January 2024 Update

Phase 1 of Our UI Refresh

January 2024 Update

Improved Homepage Filtering

There is now a permanent filter bar at the top of the homepage which can be hidden.

January 2024 Update

Improved Homepage Filtering

January 2024 Update

Homepage Group Numbering

You can group homepage tickets and see how many tickets are included in each group.

January 2024 Update

Homepage Group Numbering

January 2024 Update

Ticket Details Toolbar

You can now customize your ticket toolbars to only include tools you use often and hide ones you use less.

January 2024 Update

Ticket Details Toolbar

January 2024 Update

Parallel Workflow Actions

Actions in a workflow ticket can now be completed simultaneously and in any order (in parallel) before the ticket is reassigned to the next step in the workflow sequence.

January 2024 Update

Parallel Workflow Actions

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Stay tuned for more updates coming your way.

You can read more about these great
new features in the "What's New" section of our help guide