Search Admin




Default Search Types

Drop down includes the check boxes for the various search filters. Select Check All or specific types as the defaults.

User Defined default search types

Allows users to define their on specific search type

# Recent Searches

Set the number of Recent Searches shown between 5 and 50 searches

Default Search View

Select from the search views available in the drop down. If you wish to delete a view, select it from the drop down, then click on the red trash can.

Last Catalog Update

Shows the last date/time catalog was fully updated

Catalog Status

Will show as either Up to date (green text), or Updating (yellow text). (System compiles approximately every 2 minutes)




From this grid, Administrators and Super Admins can set who can create, edit and/or delete System Searches, whether done by themselves or by others.


A check means the feature is active for that level of user; an unchecked box means the feature is NOT available for that level of user.

Search Views

From the Search Views tab, you can create a new view, or edit an existing view.