Report Builder

Report Builder allows for customization of reports when the Classic Reports don't provide the information needed. The reports are based on Microsoft Reporting services and are only available if the Report Builder module is activated by your Revelation licensing.


There are six types of reports which can be created:


As part of the transparent feature set, if a module is not active, such as Customer Feedback or Asset Management, you will not see those options in Report Builder.


You can create new reports from each category, and edit or copy those in existence. However, you cannot include items from other categories. If it is a Ticket Report, you may not be able to include items in an Asset Report and vice versa. All Reports will include the options for Client, but this is the only consistent option. Select your category based on the information you need for the report.


Reports within Report Builder can be Saved or Scheduled similar to Classic Reports.


The Custom Report tab has two areas- one for Published reports and one for Draft reports. Drafts are works in progress and are not visible on the Report Builder reports list.


