Interface Options

Display Recent Time Logged on the home page

Display Custom Text in the Title Bar

Display Ticket Manager

Display Ticket Action Filter

Support Staff homepage view


Add/Edit Locations

Profile Image



The following settings, when toggled, will take effect immediately:

Display Recent Time Logged on the home page

When enabled, shows a history of time logged for Today, This Week, Last Week, This Month, Last Month on the home page. When disabled, this is not visible on the home page and if the Timesheet view is active, it will be deactivated.





Display Custom Text in the Title Bar

If the box is checked, you can add the Title Bar Text in the box. The host name for your Revelation system will be displayed in the tab in Internet Explorer.





Display Ticket Manager

Enables/disables the Ticket Manager tab in the main navigation

This feature is not available for Core users.

Display Ticket Action Filter

Enables/disables the ability to filter action notes within a ticket






This feature is not available for Core users.

Support Staff homepage view

From the dropdown, you can set up the default view for the homepage view - either the grid, timesheet, map or dashboard.



Mobile Site Enabled

If you do not want your support staff to use the mobile web interface, uncheck this box. This will deactivate the mobile version of Revelation helpdesk and the full version will be visible in a browser on a mobile device.

Date Format

Select Friendly (Last Week, Today, Tomorrow, Last Monty) or Classic (mm/dd/yyy)

If you hit the refresh button, it will reset for everyone.



Allows for the dashboard view to be used by staff. Viewing can be set by Access Level or Team.


Allows for the Contacts fly out to be used by staff. View can be set by Access Level or Team.

Add/Edit Locations

Allows for the ability to add or edit client locations to be set by Access Level or Team.

Per the example shown above, only Super Admins can add or edit a location in Revelation.

Profile Image

Display Profile images

Allows for images of your staff to be visible in the Action Notes of tickets or on the Message Feed (if enabled). If unchecked, the two sub-notes will not be visible.

Action Notes

When checked, the user's profile image will be visible in the Action Notes of tickets. The picture will correspond to the person assigned to that action.


Message Feed

When checked, the user's profile image will be visible as part of the Message Feed. The picture will correspond to the person who added the message to the feed.



This feature is not available for Core users.