Chat - Admin Area

From this section, you can set several options for internal and external users. Remember to click on Save after you have completed your changes.

NOTE: Some changes will not take effect until users log out and log back in.

General Settings

Chat feature enabled Check box turning the feature on or off in the system.
Play sound on chat request

Select one of the sounds from the drop down to play when a chat request comes in.

  • If you don't want a sound to play, select Off from the drop down
Vol Select the default volume for the sound to play
Flash Banner The banner above the buttons will flash when there is a new message. Turn this on or off from here.
End User Visibility Select if all External users can see Chat or if it will only be available to External Admins.
Show Log Ticket Option Option to log a ticket will appear after the time noted.
Chat Logo Change the logo to your company logo, etc.
Support Staff Provides the staff name or an anonymous tag
Name Shows Full Name of the participants or only the First Name
Max open chats: Default is 3; maximum is 10 per Staff member
Visible by Set the visibility by either Access Level or Team
End User Identity  
Name Shows the client's full name, first name only, no information or a Chat Request notation.
Client Name Show or hide the client name as well as the End User's name.