Asset Phrases

Advanced Feature - Phrases by Team


Asset Phrases allows Super Administrators to modify the terms within Revelation according to your business needs. There are 40 Custom phrases which can be configured to meet your business needs.

To edit the phrases, click on the Edit icon at the top of the page. You will then be able to edit all the phrases within Asset Phrases at the same time.


Once you have completed your edits, click on the Save icon at the top of the Edit screen. If you don't want to save your changes, click on the Cancel icon.

Advanced Feature - Phrases by Team

WARNING: This is an Advanced Feature of Revelation helpdesk. This feature, as with all Advanced Features for Revelation, should be used with caution.


System Admins can also set the phrases specifically by team. In this way, each team can use the terminology familiar to them within Revelation. Select the Team from the drop down above the Phrase List and a third column appears.


Any phrases used in Custom Email Alerts which pull from Phrased Fields will use the appropriate Team Phrase.


If you have saved the changes, but want to revert back to the System Phrase list, check the box next to the drop down. Your Team Phrases will inherit the System Phrase list.