Action Note Configuration

Action Note Options

Default Billable Time by Team



From this area, you can set several options for Action Notes as well as the default billable time for each Team. Remember to click on the Save icon to retain any changes made. If you do not wish to save your changes, navigate away from the page without clicking on the Save icon.

Action Note Options

If checked the options will be available within an action note; if not checked, the option will not be available.


Show Non-Billable Time

Allows for logging of non-billable or nonchargeable time to a ticket. Time is not deducted from any amounts added in the project via the Client Manager - Time Credits area or the initial time added when the project was created.

NOTE:If non-billable time is not shown in a ticket, the time shown will be under the heading "Time" rather than "Billable".

Allow Author Selection

Allows staff to add notes to a ticket for another staff member by selection from a drop down in the Ticket Action Notes.

Enable Stopwatch

A timer is available within an action note. Clicking on the timer will start the time which will not stop until clicked again. Doing so will automatically enter Billable or Non-Bill time based on the elapsed time period.

Enable Private Notes

Allows for action notes seen only by in-house staff. Will not be seen on Ticket Detail Report and no time can be billed against it.

  • The Always On option makes every action note private and only visible by in-house staff. When the box in the action note is ticked, the note becomes visible to your client. This feature is not available for Core users.

Default Billable Time by Team

When a ticket is logged or an action added, a specified amount of time will be added to the ticket. The amount can be edited, zeroed out or added to non-billable time manually in the ticket itself. Each Team within Revelation can have a different minimum billable time. The minimum amount of time for any team is zero.


Security allows the Revelation helpdesk administrator the ability to set options for how an Action Note is edited, deleted or split. This can be set by Access Level or Team.

Note: Multiple Teams are shown for example purposes only. Your system may not have as many teams.

Set Action Date On: Users can set the action date to any date before or after the current date. Off: The action date is set to the date the action is added.
Edit My Action On: The pencil icon will appear at the end of actions logged by the user.Off: Users will not be able to edit any actions assigned to them.
Edit Any Action On: Any action can be edited by any user. Off: No action notes can be edited.
Delete My Action On: Allows users to delete their actions. Off: Users cannot delete an action to which they are assigned.
Delete Any Action On: Allows users to delete anyone's actions. Off: Users cannot delete any action in a ticket.
Split & Move Actions On: Allows users to split action notes into a new ticket, or move action notes to an existing ticket. Off: Action Notes cannot be split or moved.